Is Motherhood a chance or a choice?

Yesterday while heading home, I came across a hospital van with the hospital logo, and its tag line read, ‘A mother by choice not chance’ . That line just slashed my heart like a fine blade. I felt my heart bleed! Good thing I was seated in car. If at all I was standing, it felt like I would have fallen down. My tummy clenched. I felt blood rush through my arteries and veins, I think I had a temporal blood pressure.
” How do you give options to motherhood? Isn’t conceiving a wonderful gift, a miracle, a desire for every woman?” I thought to myself. ” How do you get a chance to conceive, get a baby (or say foetus) implanted in your womb, then you decide, ‘Nah-ah, this ain’t my choice, I will get this flushed and be a mother when I need to be!’.
Why do we humans take things for granted? Do we even realise that the little we have is much to somebody else? How many cases have you heard of women trying so much to conceive that they go to extreme ends just to get a baby? Just to be called a mother?
What would really make a woman, REALLY want to give up a child? I know you want to give me the rape case incident, that I understand to a bit. I know, rapes aren’t planned, they are accidents. Rape brings physical hurt, and tonnes of emotional hurt. Some victims even get to question their faiths and spiritual standing. I try to understand all this. Unfortunately, I still get to question myself, what about the baby that is in the womb? The child is as innocent as it can be.
Most people go with the issue that the child is a reminder. I believe that if you and me joined hands and walked with the victim, through full term, without demonizing her, these babies would be born. Now, after they come through, it’s not a must to keep the baby, a lot of couple out there need children. These babies can be given for adoption. I feel this is the choice to the way forward.
Mind you , any lady who undergoes abortion as a way of ‘taking charge of their lives’, is still a Mom. You re simply a mom to the unborn baby. Apart from those medical situations where a mom can’t keep a baby, due to medical emergencies, and the baby isn’t formed yet, i believe there is no big reason why one would give up a pregnancy. Being a mother doesn’t matter whether you are married, single, young or old. So long as you have conceived, you are a mother.
Personally, I can tell, parenting isn’t a walk in the park. There’s no day one will say, when i am ready, i will get a baby. Motherhood is a journey full of experiments and lessons. Some days are walk through and other days are just worst. The joy that winds your day every night is that there’s someone to warm your heart, calm your nerves and make you smile. The one loyal being who looks up to you with hope…. that’s your baby, no one else’s.
I may not have much expertise in dealing with the pregnancies resulting after rape. Today my cry goes to the ladies out there who procure abortion as a choice to life.  Before you think about hurting your baby, think about the human that it could be. The future holds many uncertainties , twists and turns, but one thing that’s guaranteed, is that, whatever you decide to do with your body, Remember ; Once a mom, you’ll always be a mom.
Tell me, do you feel that motherhood should be by chance or choice?


  • homepage
    Posted January 27, 2018 6:06 pm

    Aconselhamߋs que você sigа as duas opções.

  • lolyneongeri
    Posted January 29, 2018 7:32 am

    I hear you. Motherhood is a privilege and an honour.

    • Nettumaite
      Posted January 29, 2018 8:26 am

      Yes, all women should embrace it , proudly

  • Wema Fadhili
    Posted January 31, 2018 1:50 pm

    Waow! What a wonderful piece!
    To me, motherhood is a chance. Many women long for it and get it while others misuse that chance. But a good number of them miss it. Rememeber Hannah who longed for a child?

    • Nettumaite
      Posted January 31, 2018 3:06 pm

      True, Hannah is a good example of among many women who really desire children. It’s my desire to reach out to many potential women out there, make them realize that having a child isn’t as simple as they think. Help reach out all women out there.

  • bestylechic
    Posted January 31, 2018 2:20 pm

    Motherhood is the ultimate happiness

    • Nettumaite
      Posted January 31, 2018 3:07 pm

      Very true, it’s an indescribable joyful feeling.

      • bestylechic
        Posted January 31, 2018 6:00 pm


  • flobycv
    Posted January 31, 2018 3:54 pm

    It is an honour. A lot of women want to have one who can’t. We are very blessed.

    • Nettumaite
      Posted January 31, 2018 4:09 pm

      Very true we are blessed.

  • Beverly Millard
    Posted January 31, 2018 5:58 pm

    I am so grateful I am blessed enough to be called mother. It is sad to think of anything other than a child being born.

  • itisreal
    Posted February 1, 2018 11:19 am

    Children are indeed a gift. All life is precious irregardless of the circumstances regarding conception. Rape is so very terrible and when that rape results in pregnancy it’s even more devastating to the woman concerned. However, I think the question about what to do with babies conceived as a result of rape comes down to this…How do we treat people who remind us of a terrible event?

    • Nettumaite
      Posted February 1, 2018 12:18 pm

      In my opinion, rapists, should automatically be hanged, not just castrated. But then there’s the legal procedures. Then comes forgiveness ……. I won’t touch it now.
      The society really constantly reminds us of rape incidents. There should be an activation to all society to educate them from constant stigmatizing rape victims.

  • Edwin Prasetio
    Posted February 2, 2018 9:12 am

    The boundary of being a mother as a chance and choice is only skin-thick away. Some women hoping to be moms don’t get the chance, and vice versa. But in my opinion, being a mother is a trust from God. As a woman gives birth to a baby, it means she is chosen by God..

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